Saturday, May 14, 2011

Perry tries to "indirectly address issues" in a direct phone call

Stage Seven: Original editorial or commentary #2(POST TO BE GRADED)

It’s always good to see a little political comic relief, and yesterday we got a little taste of that, after Gov. Rick Perry “left a voicemail for thousands of Texans calling for a conservative budget.” Over all, the Senate is very upset about this little phone call, because although Perry laid out that he was pointing out people in both the House and Senate, “The legislators that we elect, whether they serve in the House or the Senate, need to keep our state living by cutting spending, protecting the rainy day fund and saying no to any new taxes or revenue schemes.” In reality, Perry’s stance favors the recent legislation push of that of the House over the Senate, because the Senate is pushing to spend more than the House does.

Honestly, while it’s completely fine for Perry to side with one or the other, and ultimately he’ll see the finalized legislation, and have his choice to sign it off as law, let it be passed off as law without his signature, or veto it hoping to kill it off, but these phone calls seem far too direct and although his words express equal fault on both the House and Senate cushioning the impact of the phone call, he’s still expresses an overarching feeling, that there IS fault and to those that are more politically aware he wants changes to be made his way.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman, Steve Ogden, said his wife received one of Perry’s phone calls two nights ago, “I don’t appreciate it. It’s not helping. To have them calling my wife trashing me does not make me happy, no.”

I wish I could have heard and saw him say those words to see how it really sounded.

In the end, it’s just unsportsmanlike, instead of attempting to persuade, and give Texans a reason to follow his plan in a constructive manner, he chooses the destructive route, and “indirectly” points fingers at every single person in the legislative, and many see this is weakening both his stance, and the conservatives as a whole. Senator Ogden also had this to say, “What’s happening is this is dividing the Republican Party, I can’t imagine how that will help.

From my stance, I hope not to see the budget for education, and health services to be cut back, because they’re such critical aspects of the social backbone, I’m all for throwing in a few extra charges and raising a few rates like we’ve seen with the recent car parking rates, as well as the possibility of raising things such as license fees, which have long term affects on people over a period of years once they have to renew those licenses, and they don’t affect the average Texan on a daily basis.

Whatever happens, I’ll be keeping my eye on this as it develops.

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